1 Responsible Service

Estonian Air Navigation Services is the responsible authority for the provision of air traffic services within the area indicated under para. 2 with the exception of the airspace surrounding Kärdla and Pärnu aerodromes and Ämari Military Aerodrome during their operational hours, where the ATS unit of the airport concerned is responsible for air traffic services (see para. 6).

Post:Estonian Air Navigation Services
Kanali põik 3 
Rae küla, Rae vald
Harjumaa 10112, ESTONIA
Tel:+372 625 8230
Fax:+372 625 8200

The services are provided in accordance with the provisions contained in the following ICAO documents:

Annex 2 –Rules of the Air
Annex 11 –Air Traffic Services
Doc 4444 –Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Rules of the AIR and Air Traffic services (PANS-RAC)
Doc 8168 –Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS)
Doc 7030 –Regional Supplementary Procedures

Differences to these provisions are detailed in subsection GEN 1.7.

2 Area of Responsibility

Air Traffic Services are provided for the entire territory of Estonia, including its territorial waters as well as the airspace over the high seas within the Tallinn FIR.

3 Types of Services

The following types of services are provided:
The following types of services are provided at aerodromes:

4 Co-ordination Between the Operator and ATS

Co-ordination between the operators and air traffic services is effected in accordance with the provisions contained in the following ICAO documents:

Annex 11 –Air Traffic Services, para. 2.15
Doc 4444 –Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services (PANS-RAC), Part IX, para. and

5 Minimum Flight Altitude

The minimum flight altitudes on the ATS routes, as presented in section ENR 3, have been determined so as to ensure at least 300 m (1000 ft) vertical clearance above the highest obstacle within 12.5 NM on each side of the centre line of the route.

6 ATS Units Address List

Unit name
Postal address
Telephone NR
Fax NR
E-mail address
AFS address

KÄRDLA AFISAir Traffic Service
Kärdla Airport
92414 Kärdla, ESTONIA
+372 463 1002
KURESSAARE AFISAir Traffic Service
Estonian ANS
Kanali põik 3
Rae küla, Rae vald
10112 Harjumaa, ESTONIA
+372 671 0242
PÄRNU AFISAir Traffic Service
Pärnu Airport
Eametsa küla, Tori vald,
85001 Pärnumaa, ESTONIA
+372 447 5008
TALLINN ACCAir Traffic Service
Estonian ANS
Kanali põik 3
Rae küla, Rae vald
10112 Harjumaa, ESTONIA
+372 625 8254+372 625
TALLINN APPAir Traffic Service
Estonian ANS
Kanali põik 3
Rae küla, Rae vald
10112 Harjumaa, ESTONIA
+372 671 0233+372 625
TALLINN TWRAir Traffic Service
Estonian ANS
Kanali põik 3
Rae küla, Rae vald
10112 Harjumaa, ESTONIA
+372 625 8260+372 625
TARTU AFISAir Traffic Service
Estonian ANS
Kanali põik 3
Rae küla, Rae vald
10112 Harjumaa, ESTONIA
+372 671 0244+372 625
ÄMARI TWRÄmari Air Traffic Service
Ämari Airbase
Ämari, Vasalemma vald
76102 Harjumaa, ESTONIA
+372 717 3415