1 Temporary segregated areas (TSA) and temporary reserved airspace (TRA)

Temporary Segregated Areas (TSA) and Temporary Reserved Airspace (TRA) are airspaces of predefined dimensions within which activities require the reservation of airspace for the use of specific users (mainly military) during a determined period of time.

1.1 Temporary Segregated Area (TSA)
Temporary Segregated Area is an airspace temporarily segregated and allocated for the exclusive use of a particular user during a determined period of time and through which other traffic will not be allowed to transit.
1.2 Temporary Reserved Airspace (TRA)
Temporary Reserved Airspace is an airspace temporarily reserved and allocated for the specific use of a particular user during a determined period of time and through which other traffic may be allowed to transit under air traffic control (ATC) clearance.
1.3 Fight Plan Buffer Zones (FBZ)
Since active TSAs cannot be crossed, Flight plan Buffer Zones (FBZ) have been established for pre-tactically bookable TSA-s to accommodate IFR flight planning. An FBZ will be activated only with the corresponding TSA. IFR flights should flightplan to avoid an active FBZ using the ATS route system or waypoints published in ENR 4.1 and 4.4 established for flight planning in Free Route Airspace. Flight plans can be filed up to the boundary of the FBZ when active.
1.4 Information About the Activation of TSAs/TRAs
Information about the actual period and height at which activities take place in TSAs/TRAs are notified via eAUP/eUUP or is available on request from AMC Estonia (contacts are given on page ENR 1.9 p. 9.4).

Note: Graphical description of the areas listed in the table below is given on page ENR TRA.

Identification and lateral limits
Lateral Limits of the Flight Plan Buffer Zones (FBZ) (for IFR Flight Planning Purposes only)
Upper limit
Lower limit
Time of ACT
Risk of interception (ADIZ)


574715N 0270655E - 573800N 0263510E - 575430N 0260940E - 581205N 0251318E - 581625N 0251320E - 582247N 0254444E - 582200N 0264500E - 575503N 0271003E - 574715N 0270655E


581812N 0250158E - 582117N 0250545E - 582848N 0254242E - 582756N 0264840E - 582607N 0265352E - 575548N 0272153E - 574314N 0271635E - 573736N 0265716E - 573815N 0265435E - 573314N 0263656E - 573322N 0263032E - 575126N 0260303E - 575207N 0255511E - 580613N 0251410E - 580742N 0250459E - 581026N 0250157E - 581812N 0250158E

FL 660
FL 95

Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Time of ACT by AUP/UUP.
BTN FL 295 and FL 660 activated tactically only.


580402N 0251558E - 581205N 0251318E - 575430N 0260940E - 573800N 0263510E - 574715N 0270655E - 573556N 0270227E
then West along State border between Estonia and Latvia to
580402N 0251558E

FL 660
FL 95

Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Time of ACT by AUP/UUP.
BTN FL 275 and FL 660 activated tactically only.


590734N 0231227E - 591818N 0241325E -
591342N 0241539E - 585400N 0232600E -
590734N 0231227E

FL 245
FL 95

Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Activated tactically only.


591342N 0241539E - 590504N 0242006E -
583600N 0224700E - 585400N 0232600E -
591342N 0241539E

FL 245
FL 95

Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Activated tactically only.


585200N 0214700E - 590734N 0231227E -
585400N 0232600E - 583600N 0224700E -
583100N 0220100E - 585200N 0214700E


585204N 0213443E - 585640N 0213757E - 591356N 0231240E - 591222N 0232046E - 585455N 0233805E - 585053N 0233640E - 583027N 0225219E - 582440N 0215912E - 582651N 0215138E - 585204N 0213443E

FL 245
FL 95

Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Time of ACT by AUP/UUP.


591826N 0235258E - 592044N 0242217E - 591342N 0242637E - 591117N 0241916E - 590631N 0240738E - 591104N 0240003E - 591643N 0235428E - 591826N 0235258E

FL 115
1700 ft AMSL

Area managed by AMC.
Ämari aerodrome military air operations.
Activated tactically only.


594716N 0255524E - 594421N 0261500E - 590730N 0261500E - 590730N 0253952E - 592412N 0253544E - 594716N 0255524E


594747N 0262653E - 590519N 0262638E - 590130N 0262021E - 590130N 0253453E - 590448N 0252848E - 592503N 0252340E - 595218N 0254646E - 595300N 0255200E - 595200N 0255830E - 594747N 0262653E
FL 660
FL 95
Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Time of ACT by AUP/UUP.
BTN FL 295 and FL 660 activated tactically only.


594421N 0261500E - 594100N 0263727E - 593316N 0264925E - 593151N 0271520E - 592412N 0271450E - 590730N 0263755E - 590730N 0261500E - 594421N 0261500E


593857N 0265539E - 593732N 0272125E - 593352N 0272717E - 592124N 0272623E - 590130N 0264220E - 590130N 0260859E - 590532N 0260322E - 594705N 0260307E - 595015N 0261026E - 594449N 0264636E - 593857N 0265539E
FL 660
FL 95
Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Time of ACT by AUP/UUP.
BTN FL 295 and FL 660 activated tactically only.


583836N 0240736E - 592619N 0233742E - 593241N 0240638E - 593027N 0241616E - 585014N 0244048E - 584452N 0243557E - 583836N 0240736E


593328N 0242646E - 585053N 0245230E - 584839N 0245208E - 584113N 0244523E - 583944N 0244211E - 583224N 0240901E - 583506N 0235742E - 592635N 0232509E - 593051N 0232841E - 593842N 0240422E - 593838N 0240921E - 593522N 0242327E - 593328N 0242646E
FL 500
FL 95
Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Activated tactically only.


583836N 0240736E - 580557N 0214923E - 582057N 0212348E - 590058N 0214849E - 592619N 0233742E - 583836N 0240736E


592810N 0234853E - 583853N 0241929E - 583555N 0241814E - 583341N 0241444E - 580032N 0215411E - 575945N 0214901E - 580049N 0214252E - 581826N 0211246E - 582140N 0211216E - 590353N 0213827E - 590548N 0214129E - 593228N 0233557E - 593130N 0234452E - 592810N 0234853E
FL 500
FL 95
Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Time of ACT by AUP/UUP.


592636N 0231642E - 592637N 0234643E - 592320N 0234641E - 592143N 0234326E - 591759N 0234324E - 591636N 0232959E - 592200N 0232001E - 592242N 0231641E - 592636N 0231642E


592843N 0235831E - 592115N 0235823E - 591409N 0235303E - 591221N 0234807E - 591023N 0232902E - 591129N 0232320E - 591939N 0230548E - 592149N 0230457E - 592951N 0230458E - 593235N 0231712E - 593236N 0235220E - 592843N 0235831E
19700 ft AMSL
Area managed by AMC.
Time of ACT (D-1) by NOTAM and AUP/UUP.


580133N 0220656E - 580219N 0215537E - 582057N 0212348E - 590058N 0214849E - 591034N 0222858E - 590845N 0231947E - 585336N 0234233E - 581045N 0223631E - 580133N 0220656E


585520N 0235434E - 585112N 0235342E - 580608N 0224403E - 575521N 0220920E - 575639N 0215002E - 581826N 0211246E - 582140N 0211216E - 590353N 0213827E - 590548N 0214129E - 591638N 0222646E - 591431N 0232549E - 585520N 0235434E
FL 275
FL 95
Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Time of ACT by AUP/UUP.


584152N 0252623E - 590730N 0253952E - 590730N 0261500E - 590730N 0263755E - 584206N 0264155E - 584152N 0252623E
-FL 660
FL 95
Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Activated tactically only.


584159N 0271230E - 584206N 0264155E - 590730N 0263755E - 592412N 0271450E - 584159N 0271230E
-FL 660
FL 95
Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Activated tactically only.


582247N 0254444E - 581625N 0251320E - 584152N 0252623E - 584206N 0264155E - 582200N 0264500E - 582247N 0254444E
-FL 660
FL 95
Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Activated tactically only.


584206N 0264155E - 584159N 0271230E - 575500N 0271000E - 582200N 0264500E - 584206N 0264155E
-FL 660
FL 95
Area managed by AMC.
Military air operations.
Activated tactically only.


593302N 0261910E - 594052N 0260252E - 594747N 0260747E - 594300N 0263900E - 593500N 0265200E - 593304N 0262655E - 593302N 0261910E
-40500 ft AMSL
Area managed by AMC.
Time of ACT (D-1) by NOTAM and AUP/UUP.

2 Standard Operational Procedures for Low Level Flying of Military Aircraft Greater Than 250 kt in Estonian Airspace

2.1 General
2.1.1 This low-level flight standard operating procedure (LLF SOP) for military jet aircraft is for flight units of the Estonian Air Force, NATO and other military partners, while flying between 500 ft and 2000 ft AGL, with airspeed over 250 kt IAS, in Estonian airspace.
2.1.2 The original document for standard operating procedures for military aircraft is available in full at the homepage of the Estonian Defence Forces:
2.1.3 Any concern, observation or recommendation regarding low-level flying and the procedures should be sent to Estonian Air Force Flight Safety by email:
2.1.4 Ämari Command and Reporting Post provides the information regarding low-level flying activity and the position of military aircraft to civil operators by phone when requested.
Ämari Command and Reporting Post:
Tel: +372 717 3404
2.2 Description of Low-level Flying Areas

There are four (4) low-level flying areas for military jet aircraft activities in the Estonian airspace (see ENR 6 chart ENR LFC).

2.2.1 Low-level Flying Areas Lateral Limits: SW - South-West
Lateral limits
581111N 0242931E
then South along Tallinn-Riia road (via Baltica) to
575228N 0242253E
then West along State border between Estonia and Latvia to
575300N 0242000E
then along TALLINN FIR (clockwise) to
575627N 0224227E - 580034N 0224728E
then along KURESSAARE FIZ/RMZ (counterclockwise) to
581104N 0230022E - 582641N 0231952E - 582638N 0234044E
then South-East along coastline to
581523N 0240920E
then along PÄRNU RMZ (counterclockwise) to
581111N 0242931E C - Central
Lateral limits
585809N 0235441E
then along TALLINN TMA 1 (counterclockwise) to
592710N 0252851E
then East along Tallinn-Narva road (E20) to
592523N 0261636E (near Haljala) - 592129N 0262006E (Rakvere)
then South-West along Rakvere-Pärnu road to
583243N 0245046E
then along PÄRNU RMZ (counterclockwise) to
583119N 0240428E
then North-West along Pärnu-Lihula road to
584106N 0234829E (Lihula) - 584218N 0234729E
then along EER4 (counterclockwise) to
584547N 0235922E - 585809N 0235441E E - East
Lateral limits
592523N 0261636E (near Haljala) - 593113N 0263158E
then East along coastline to
592538N 0273045E (Toila) - 592049N 0272422E (Jõhvi)
then South along Jõhvi-Tartu road (E264) to
590000N 0271339E - 585923N 0271411E
then along coastline (lake Peipsi west coast, counterclockwise) to
584200N 0270900E
then along TARTU FIZ/RMZ UPPER (counterclockwise) to
584204N 0260122E - 583947N 0255923E (Põltsamaa)
then North-West along Tartu-Tallinn road to
585504N 0253645E (Mäo)
then North-East along Pärnu-Rakvere road to
592129N 0262006E - 592523N 0261636E S - South
Lateral limits
583243N 0245046E
then North-East along Pärnu-Rakvere road to
585504N 0253645E (Mäo)
then South-East along Tallinn-Tartu road to
583947N 0255923E (Põltsamaa)
then direct South to
583639N 0255802E
then direct West to
583708N 0255007E
then direct South to
583430N 0254856E
then direct South-East to
583312N 0255607E
then along TARTU FIZ/RMZ UPPER (counterclockwise) to
580116N 0260313E
then South along river Väike-Emajõgi to
575107N 0260804E
then South-West along Tartu-Valga road to
574656N 0260136E (Valga)
then West along State border between Estonia and Latvia to
575228N 0242253E
then North along Riia-Tallinn road (via Baltica) to
581111N 0242931E
then along PÄRNU FIZ/RMZ (counterclockwise) to
583243N 0245046E
2.3 Principles for Low-level Flying
2.3.1 Low-level Flight can be Executed Only in VMC Conditions.
2.3.2 Speed Limitations Maximum airspeed allowed is Mach 0.9, but airspeed will not exceed 550 kt IAS. With the exception of essential training needs, emergencies and/or authorised displays, reheat/afterburner will not to be used during the low-level flying.
2.3.3 Requirements and Restrictions During Low-level Flying During low-level flight, aircraft navigation lights shall be turned on. Only two pairs of aircraft are allowed into each low-level flying area simultaneously. The use of chaff/flares is prohibited. Aerodromes (listed in Estonian AIP AD 1.3) located inside an activated low-level flying area shall be avoided by 1 NM horizontally, unless a written agreement has been made with the airfield administration. Aerial sporting and recreational activities areas (Estonian AIP ENR 5.5) will be avoided by 1 NM at all times. During low-level flight flying should be avoided over the congested areas of settlements or over an assembly of persons at a height less than 300 m (1000 ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft.
2.3.4 Navigation Warnings During low-level flight, restricted areas, danger areas, populated areas, civil airfields, national parks, areas with sensitive fauna, and etc., shall be avoided (See Estonian AIP ENR 5). Civil vessels must be avoided horizontally with a minimum distance of 1 NM.
2.4 Activation of Low-Level Flying Areas

Low-level flying areas will be activated by NOTAM not later than 1 working day before the low-level flight.

2.5 Communication

Tallinn Area Control Center (Tallinn ACC) or Tallinn Approach Control (Tallinn APP) are responsible for provision of the information for civil aircraft pilots during low-level flying activities, depending in who's area of responsibility the flight takes place.