1 General

1.1 The holding, approach and departure procedures in use are based on those contained in the latest edition of ICAO Doc 8168 - Procedures for Air navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS).
1.2 The holding and approach procedures in use have been based on the values and factors contained in Parts III and IV of Vol. I of the PANS-OPS. The holding patterns shall be entered and flown as indicated below.

2 Arriving Flights

2.1 IFR flights entering and landing within a terminal control area will be cleared to a specified holding point and instructed to contact approach control at a specified time, level or position. The terms of this clearance shall be adhered to until further instructions are received from approach control. If the clearance limit is reached before further instructions have been received, holding procedure shall be carried out at the level last authorised.
2.2 Due to the limited airspace available, it is important that the approaches to the patterns and the holding procedures be carried out as precisely as possible. Pilots are strongly requested to inform ATC if for any reason the approach and/or holding cannot be performed as required.

3 Departing Flights

3.1 IFR flights departing from controlled aerodromes will receive initial ATC clearance from the local aerodrome control tower. The clearance limit will normally be the aerodrome of destination. IFR flights departing from non-controlled aerodromes must make arrangements with the area control centre concerned prior to take-off.
3.2 Detailed instructions with regard to routes, turns, etc will be issued after take-off.

4 Other Relevant Information and Procedures