1 Units of measurement

The table of units of measurement shown below is used within Tallinn FIR for air and ground operations.

For measurement of
Units used
Distance used in navigation, position reporting, etc - generally in excess of 2 NM
Nautical Miles (NM) and tenths
Relatively short distances such as those relating to aerodromes (e.g., runway lengths)
Metres (m)
Altitudes, elevations and heights
Feet (ft)
Horizontal speed including wind speed
Knots (kt)
Vertical speed
Feet per minute (ft/min)
Wind direction for landing and taking off
Degrees Magnetic (°)
Wind direction except for landing and taking off
Degrees True (°)
Visibility, incl. runway visual range
Kilometres or metres (km or m)
Altimeter setting
Hectopascal (hPa)
Degrees Celsius (°)
Metric tonnes or Kilogrammes (t or kg)
Hours (HR) and minutes (min); beginning at midnight UTC
Litre (L)
The dimensional units are in accordance with Annex 5.

2 Temporal reference system

Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the Gregorian calendar are used by air navigation services and in publications issued by the Aeronautical Information Service. Reporting of time is expressed to the nearest minute, e.g., 12:40:35 is reported as 1241.

In the AIP and associated publications, the expression “summer period” will indicate that part of the year in which “daylight saving time” is in force. The other part of the year will be named the “winter period”.

Daylight saving time in Estonia is UTC + 3 hours.

The “summer period” will be introduced every year on the last Sunday in MAR at 0100 UTC and it will cease on the last Sunday in OCT at 0100 UTC. Times applicable during “summer period” are given in brackets.

Local time in Estonia is UTC + 2 hours.

3 Horizontal reference system

3.1 Name/designation of the reference system
All geographical coordinates indicating latitude and longitude published in AIP and aeronautical charts are expressed in terms of the World Geodetic System-1984 (WGS-84) geodetic reference datum.
3.2 Identification of the projection

Projection is expressed in terms of Lambert conformal conic projection with two reference secant parallels LAMBERT-ESTONIA (LAMBERT-EST), calculations of which are made based on the ellipsoid GRS80 using following numerical data:

1.central MeridianLC=24°00’E
2.first Standard ParallelBS=58°00’N
3.second Standard ParallelBS=59°20’
4.geodetic coordinates of the reference pointB0=57°31’03’’.19415N L0=24°00’E
3.3 Identification of the ellipsoid used
Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80) ellipsoid is used.
3.4 Identification of the datum used
The World Geodetic System-1984 (WGS-84) is used.
3.5 Area of application
The area of application for the published geographical coordinates coincides with the area of responsibility of the Aeronautical Information Service, i.e the entire territory of Estonia as well as the airspace over the high seas encompassed by the Tallinn FIR in accordance with the regional air navigation agreement.
3.6 Use of an asterisk to identify published geographical coordinates

An asterisk (*) will be used to identify those published geographical coordinates which have been transformed into WGS-84 coordinates but whose accuracy of original field work does not meet the requirements in ICAO Annex 11, Chapter 2 and ICAO Annex 14, Volumes I and II, Chapter 2.

Specifications for determination and reporting of WGS-84 coordinates are given in ICAO Annex 11, Chapter 2 and in ICAO Annex 14, Volumes I and II, Chapter 2.

4 Vertical Reference Datum

4.1 Name/Designation of the Reference System
The vertical reference system used is EH2000, which corresponds to mean sea level (MSL).
4.2 Description of the Geoid Model Used
The geoid model EST-GEOID2017 is used.
4.3 Differences Between the Altitudes Referenced to EST-GEOID2017 and EGM96 in Estonia

The differences between the orthometric heights referenced to EST-GEOID2017 and the orthometric heights referenced to EGM96 (that is, the differences between the undulations of both geoids) depend on the geographic location of the point under consideration. The following map shows the undulation differences of these models in Estonia.

5 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks

The nationality mark for aircraft registered in Estonia consists of the letters ES. The nationality mark is followed by a hyphen and a registration mark consisting of 3 letters, e.g., ES-ABC, or 4 numbers, e.g., ES-1234.

6 Public Holidays

* Administrative services close 3 hours earlier on the working day before.
New Year´s Day *
01 JAN01 JAN01 JAN
Independence Day *
24 FEB24 FEB24 FEB
Good Friday
02 APR15 APR07 APR
Easter Sunday
04 APR17 APR09 APR
May Day
01 MAY01 MAY01 MAY
23 MAY05 JUN28 MAY
Victory Day *
23 JUN23 JUN23 JUN
Midsummer Day
24 JUN24 JUN24 JUN
Day of Restoration of Independence
20 AUG20 AUG20 AUG
Christmas Eve *
24 DEC24 DEC24 DEC
Christmas Day
25 DEC25 DEC25 DEC
Boxing Day
26 DEC26 DEC26 DEC